Booking request

Code: CNX-CLFS (Full day South)

Price in Baht pp Adults Children 0-2 yr Children 3-5 yr Children 6-11 yr
Private 1990 350 950 1425
Join 1800 350 1050 1050

Tour prices are per person and the tour is operated with a minimum of 2 adults.
Departure is scheduled from Chiang Mai town. Check the tour map for the free pick up zone.

Weekly schedule Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Private Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Join Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

(required fields in bold)

Prefered Date: day/month/year Alternative Date: day/month/year
Prefered date is missing or incorrect Alternative date is incorrect
Join-in tour Private tour
Total number of cyclists The number of cyclists is wrong.
  • First name
  • Name
  • M/F
  • Age
  • Height
  • Nationality
  • Food restrictions

Some information about the cyclist(s) is missing.

Your name Your name is missing.
Email Address
If possible, try not to use a "hotmail" account since their spam-filters seem to block all our messages.
Incorrect email address
Name, address and phone number of your hotel in Chiang Mai. The address of the hotel is missing. If you haven't booked your hotel yet, enter "UNKNOWN".
Questions or remarks

Please, take your time to give us any additional information that might help us to make our best offer. Especially when children are traveling with you.
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